
谢谢你安排辅导课程. We are excited for your appointment and look forward to meeting with you. 

To prepare for your appointment, please abide by the following tutoring rules:

  1. 阅读材料和教科书, complete any homework or study guides and come prepared with questions over specific content.
  2. Bring your own supplies and be prepared to take 不es. (Tutors are 不 allowed to share their own 不es with students.)
  3. 在你的会话中限制干扰. 这包括不发短信, phone calls or emailing during the session and no side conversations with others.
  4. 准时赴约. (For more information on rescheduling, see the 重新安排,晚 & 以下不到场政策.)
  5. No eating during tutoring sessions, unless approved by the tutor.

重新安排,晚 & 缺席政策

We understand things come up and want to give you flexibility with your scheduling. If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, we ask that you do the following:

  1. Reschedule or cancel your appointment in RegisterBlast up to two hours before your appointment. If you are unable to meet this deadline, you may call the Success Center at 402.552.3946 or 402.552.2694.
  2. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late to your scheduled appointment, 你可能会被要求重新安排. 如果导师能给你安排时间, you will still need to end the appointment at your originally scheduled time.
  3. Failure to reschedule or cancel two or more appointments within a semester will result in the inability to schedule online appointments until the student meets with the Coordinator of 学生的成功 to discuss time management skills.
  4. Showing up more than 10 minutes late for two or more appointments within a semester will result in the inability to schedule online appointments until the student meets with the Coordinator of 学生的成功 to discuss time management skills. 


导师是你的PG电子APP. 他们不会完成你的家庭作业, 给你的项目或任务, but will help you navigate through requirements or content. 为了维护学术诚信,导师会 : share 不es with you, provide prior test questions and answers or access their past assignments. 

  1. Students found guilty of a violation of academic integrity are subject to disciplinary action. The 学术诚信 policy (SW-25) and procedures may be found in the 学术诚信 section within the 学术目录


Tutors are students who are providing a valuable service. They will treat you with respect and we expect the same from you as well. Tutors have the right to end a session prematurely or may call in a staff member to assist if they feel a student is in violation of the 行为守则政策(SW-18). Success Center staff may also intervene if they witness a violation of the 行为守则政策(SW-18).

  1. Students found guilty of a 行为准则 violation are subject to disciplinary action. 行为准则政策(SW-18) and procedures may be found in the academic catalog.